Donald Trump’s handlers begin laying the groundwork for his failing health

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

It’s obvious that in addition to everything else that’s wrong with him, Donald Trump is in the midst of cognitive collapse. Almost nothing he says makes any sense anymore. He’s been reduced to the half-senile guy who doesn’t understand why ingesting disinfectant is dangerous, and doesn’t understand why he can’t say something like that out loud in front of the TV cameras.

With Trump too far gone to be involved in his own damage control, that leaves his handlers to try to figure out how to push back against this. Trump’s preferred method of “damage control” has always been to to claim that he’s never made a mistake in his life, or to claim that he never said the stupid thing that he said. Instead, his handlers are taking things in an entirely different direction:



That’s right, Donald Trump’s handlers are now trying to spin his mistakes as a result of him being too “tired.” We expect a President to be tired from overwork during a prolonged crisis. But we all know Trump isn’t doing any work. Even if Trump were working himself to death, we expect a President to still be able to manage his work and sleep schedule so that he’s not going around making zombie-like mistakes.

Donald Trump’s handlers clearly aren’t the brightest, but even they know that “Trump is only making a complete mess of everything because he’s tired” isn’t an argument for why he should remain in office – especially for another four years. Instead it’s an argument for why he should quit. Trump’s people are pointing to his failing health as a reason why he can’t do the job anymore. Are they trying to give him a soft exit?

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.