Fading Donald Trump sounds like he has “valium in his coffee” in embarrassing interview

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Donald Trump was suspiciously coherent during last week’s debate, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s come off as completely senile in his other fifty most recent public appearances. With the curious exception of the debate, Trump has consistently displayed behavior โ€“ confusion, gibberish words, incoherent stories, not knowing who anyone is โ€“ consistent with severe dementia.

So it’s not surprising that Trump is once again coming off like there’s something very wrong with him โ€“ and people are noticing:

It’s becoming more and more clear that Trump’s debate performance didn’t help him, which means he has to keep putting himself out there. Unfortunately for him, his dementia-like symptoms keep getting worse. It’ll only get uglier for him as he keeps making more public appearances during the course of the election. Donate to Palmer Report

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