Factory workers tell Donald Trump to take a hike

We need to raise $1285 in the next 24 hours to keep the fight going against Trump. We must fight back as aggressively as possible. Trump and his henchmen are trying to destroy our democracy. Click here to donate whatever you can.

Donald Trump’s White House has become such a coronavirus hotspot, the heads of the CDC, FDA, Navy, and Coast Guard are all in quarantine – even as Mike Pence can’t seem to make up his mind whether he’s in quarantine or not. The Governor of Iowa is in quarantine simply because she visited the White House and interacted with Pence. Trump is just as dangerous right now, with his personal valet having recently tested positive.

On top of it all, Trump and Pence have been particularly reckless during recent real-world photo ops. Mike Pence refused to wear a mask while visiting a hospital and a nursing home. Donald Trump refused to wear a mask while touring a mask making factory, prompting someone to play the song “Live and Let Die” in the background. Now one factory is telling Trump he’s not welcome.

Donald Trump wanted to visit a Pennsylvania medical supply factory where the workers have gone to particularly selfless lengths to make sure it didn’t get contaminated. But the plant workers have told Trump to take a hike according to the Washington Post, both because they don’t want to waste time on a photo op, and because they’re afraid he’ll infect them. Good for them.

We need to raise $1285 in the next 24 hours to keep the fight going against Trump. We must fight back as aggressively as possible. Trump and his henchmen are trying to destroy our democracy. Click here to donate whatever you can.