Expert: Donald Trump is showing “gross signs of dementia”

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You don’t have to be a medical expert in order to piece together that Donald Trump is showing worsening signs of dementia. He no longer knows who the people around him are, in his political and personal life. He can’t figure out what the current period of time is. He sees the name “Donald Trump” on the teleprompter and doesn’t understand that he’s that person. And his brain keeps shorting out mid sentence, causing him to start randomly babbling about the last word he heard himself say.

But if you want confirmation of what you think you’re seeing, it turns out an expert in the field very much agrees. Dr. John Gartner, a psychologist and former professor at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, says that “Trump appears to be showing gross signs of dementia.”

Dr. Gartner points to Trump’s frequent use of non-words, known as “phonemic paraphasias,” as a medical indicator of how advanced Trump’s dementia is. Trump typically makes up fake words that sound similar to real words, as he tries and fails to remember what the real words are.

Gartner also says he sees signs of “severe cognitive deterioration” and “real brain damage” in Donald Trump. He’s also asking why the major media outlets aren’t covering Trump’s dementia symptoms more prominently, and why TV news outlets aren’t airing Trump’s senile moments constantly. Of course Palmer Report has been asking that same question about the media for awhile now. Hopefully, now that Trump no longer even appears to know his family anymore, the media will finally start doing its job on this front.

Palmer Report is fighting more aggressively than ever on the editorial and activism fronts. We need to raise $5,926 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate whatever you can.