Everyone piles on after Ivanka Trump’s bizarre Mount Rushmore meltdown

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Donald Trump has lost reelection in a seven million vote blowout, he’s on track to be remembered as by far the worst President in United States history, and it’s fairly clear that he’s headed to prison in New York State for a litany of crimes.

But don’t tell that to Ivanka Trump, who is either trying to make her dad feel better about the destruction of his life, or is still in denial herself. Ivanka just tweeted a photo of Donald Trump standing in front of Mount Rushmore, which just happened to be taken at an angle which makes it appear that his face is part of Mount Rushmore.

This is going over so poorly, Ivanka’s tweet already has more than ten thousand mostly negative replies in the two hours since she posted it. In reality there are forty-something other Presidents who would end up on Mount Rushmore before Donald Trump would ever be considered.

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