Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s utterly deranged “Hopefully George” line about George Floyd

Donald Trump held a press conference today to brag about new employment numbers that are obviously manipulated but are still terrible. This was a bad idea to begin with. Trump also tried to work George Floyd into the narrative, which was an even worse idea. But when Trump ultimately tried to put the two into the same sentence, the result was nothing short of deranged.
While discussing the new employment numbers today, Donald Trump said this about George Floyd: “Hopefully, George is looking down right and saying this is a great thing that’s happening for our country. It’s a great day for him, it’s a great day for everybody” No really, he said this. There’s video. Based on the overall context, there’s no question that Trump was saying that Floyd – who was recently murdered by the police – is somehow having a great day in heaven because of the employment numbers.
Donald Trump is as racist and deranged as they come. But this line was pretty far out there even for him. There’s tone-deaf, and then there’s derangedly tone-deaf, and then there’s whatever this mess was. It’s as if Trump’s handlers told him to say something else about George Floyd looking down and smiling, and what’s left of Trump’s rotting brain couldn’t help but confuse it with the economic message they’d told him to day.