Everyone piles on after Donald Trump has desperate meltdown about #transparency

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Earlier today Donald Trump called Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp and demanded that he overturn the election results. Kemp literally can’t do that, and he clearly didn’t want to be involved in Trump’s illegal demand, so he leaked to the media that Trump was making the demand.

Now that Trump has been caught, he’s flat out confessing to it, posting the same demand on Twitter. Trump is calling for Kemp to call a special session of the Georgia legislature to overturn the election. To be clear, this would be literally impossible, and no one involved is even going to try it, because no one wants to go to prison with Trump for this.

The kicker is that even as Trump is committing this felony-by-tweet, he’s added the hashtag #Transparency to his crime spree. But at this point all anyone can do is roll their eyes. The #Transparency hashtag is now trending, but for the opposite reason Trump had hoped.

Trump has now reached the point where he’s demanding that his allies do something to save him that 1) isn’t possible, 2) they wouldn’t be willing to try even if it were possible, 3) and it wouldn’t work even if they were willing and able to try it. It’s what you see from someone whose life is over, as Trump’s now is, and who is reduced to fantasizing out loud about magic rescues.

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