Everyone piles on after Donald Trump has all-caps meltdown about burning churches

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With military leaders including General James Mattis and religious leaders including the head of the Episcopal Church all condemning Donald Trump right now, and opportunists like Chuck Grassley and Lisa Murkowski piling on, Trump is desperate to change the subject. Unfortunately for him, he only seems to know a few words.

Donald Trump has spent the day tweeting idiotic random things like “LAW & ORDER” because he can’t seem to come up with anything more coherent. But he really stepped in it when he tweeted “YOU DON’T BURN CHURCHES IN AMERICA!” Of course you don’t burn churches. Nearly everyone agrees with that, and anyone who disagrees with it should go to prison for arson. But Trump is trying to conflate a few different things here.

If he’s referring to St. John’s church, where he had his infamous photo op, the leaders of that church have condemned him for it. Suffice it to say that the responses to Trump’s meltdown weren’t positive. Walter Shaub replied with “YOU TEAR GASSED THE PRIEST OF THAT CHURCH!” Angela Belcamino added “THEY WOULD BURN DOWN IF YOU ACTUALLY WALKED INTO ONE.”

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