Everyone piles on after Donald Trump goes completely berserk about a “Trump wall”

What the hell is a Trump wall? That’s the question everyone is asking, now that Donald Trump has begun bragging about a “powerful Trump wall” that looks a lot like a fence to the rest of us. Everyone started piling on after Trump tweeted this nonsense:
The powerful Trump Wall is replacing porous, useless and ineffective barriers in the high traffic areas requested by Border Patrol. Illegal crossing are dropping as more and more Wall is being completed!
Trump didn’t help his cause by including a picture of what is definitely a fence and not a wall. Respondents began pointing out that Mexico was supposed to pay for the wall, and that no wall is actually being built. Even Trump’s sometimes-ally Ann Coulter began ragging on Trump for the fact that only a couple miles of “wall” have been built, which tells you all you need to know.
Others pointed out that the words “crossing are dropping” don’t go together, and there’s buzz that Trump’s Border Patrol Chief is preparing to resign. Meanwhile, Trump is still babbling about fake approval rating numbers, fake threats against U.S. embassies, and a bunch of gibberish we can’t even parse.