Everyone piles on after Donald Trump falsely claims his weight is 215 pounds during his arrest

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I’ve never much cared what Donald Trump weighs. Nor would anyone else probably care that much, except that Trump keeps making a point of lying about it. He even went so far as to coerce a White House doctor into falsely claiming that Trump only weighed 239 pounds, when you can tell just by looking at Trump that he’s a lot closer to 300 pounds.

One of the oddities about Trump’s arrest in Fulton County today is that when he gets booked, his height and weight are listed alongside his mugshot. But apparently you’re allowed to just self-report your weight instead of actually getting weighed, because according to multiple major news outlets, the Fulton County Jail is now listing Trump’s weight as 215 pounds. That’s somehow not a typo.

Again, I don’t really much care what this guy weighs. Of all the things he’s lied to the American people about, his weight is not among his thousand biggest or most important lies. But his new claim of 215 pounds is almost pathologically absurd. I weigh a little more than 215 pounds, and I could literally fit inside Trump.

If nothing else, this provides a little bit more of a peek into just how badly Donald Trump is falling apart psychologically. As his life, his future, his hopes, and his dreams all fall apart, he’s trying to fight back against it by claiming that his weight has somehow significantly gone down since the last time he lied about his weight.

It also shows just how disconnected Trump is from reality. Even if he wanted to avoid revealing his real weight, he could have told a more realistic lie (like 250 pounds) and he’d have received less scorn over it. By picking something as laugh out loud obviously fake as 215 pounds, Trump is unwittingly drawing as much attention to his obesity as possible. But then Trump is at a point of collapse where he’s only focused on trying to give himself false hope. He’s way past the point of trying to convince anyone else that he still has any hope left in him.

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