Everyone is finally catching on to the fact that Donald Trump is completely senile #DementiaDon #TrumpIsNotWell

Dear Palmer Report readers: at this crucial time in our nation's history, we're ramping up our fight against the Trump regime on the editorial and activism fronts. We're adding staff. We're expanding our publication schedule. We're working with activist groups to coordinate messaging. We're not giving up without a fight. Our fight requires resources. We need to raise $3,271 to continue our fight against Trump. Please click here to donate what you can.

Donald Trump’s cognitive abilities have been gradually crumbling for quite some time, but it’s largely been written off as a joke instead of a serious issue. But there was always going to be a point where Trump’s cognitive collapse became so severe that it reached critical mass. It feels like tonight might just be it.

After Trump spent the day insisting that Nikki Haley was Speaker of the House on January 6th, and seemingly confusing George Conway with a city in New Hampshire, Trump’s senility finally came front and center.

Hashtags including #DementiaDon and #TrumpMentalHealth and #TrumpIsNotWell all began trending on Twitter as Friday night went on, due to the sheer number of people talking about Trump’s cognitive collapse. It feels like everyone is finally taking this issue seriously. I’ve been saying for months that Trump’s worsening senility is the biggest story in politics, and it’s nice to see that it’s finally starting to be treated that way.

Dear Palmer Report readers: at this crucial time in our nation's history, we're ramping up our fight against the Trump regime on the editorial and activism fronts. We're adding staff. We're expanding our publication schedule. We're working with activist groups to coordinate messaging. We're not giving up without a fight. Our fight requires resources. We need to raise $3,271 to continue our fight against Trump. Please click here to donate what you can.