Everyone has got Merrick Garland wrong

Polar bears are beautiful creatures. Their living conditions can be challenging, yet they adapt. And they do so quietly. Polar bears have a fantastic sense of smell which helps them hunt for food. It is said they can smell their prey from as much as a mile away. These breathtaking animals are quiet about it. They do much, but one doesn’t hear them. They move about in a hushed and soundless manner.
So does our Attorney General, Merrick Garland. Often we do not know what the DOJ is doing. That’s is because the DOJ usually does not want to come out and tell us what work they’re doing. They just do it. And now Garland and the DOJ have come forward. They are suing Texas.
The reason they are suing is because of the redistricting maps. Garland’s position is that the maps “discriminate against voters.” They especially target their discrimination toward black and Latino people. Of course, they do. The GOP cannot win any other way. This lawsuit says the GOP has violated the Voting Rights Act.
Many do not trust AG Garland. I respectfully disagree. Look at some of the AG’s work since he got to work. Garland has also sued over the Texas abortion law.
At school board meetings, Garland has dispatched help for parents and educators being terrorized by Maga. Garland has had Steve Bannon arrested and is prosecuting him. And now this.
In regards to Trump — many say Garland is not prosecuting him. But I ask this question: how on earth would one know if he was?
Garland — and no AG really — would come forward and tell us one way or another. It just is not what the department of Justice DOES. This does not mean Garland is doing nothing. It just means he works quietly — like the Polar Bears.
Of course, he may have decided not to pursue Trump. I do not believe this, but it is possible. But it was also possible he was not doing anything on voting rights as many had insisted. We know now that is not true.
So for me. I will wait. I will wait while the DOJ quietly stalks their prey. I will wait while they go about the silent business of doing what we hired them to do. And I will celebrate as the results continue to come in.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report