Even for these MAGA loons this is unhinged
They laughed. They laughed at her because they didn’t know her. They laughed at her because they didn’t have the ability nor the intellectual depth to know anyone. They are simply not intelligent enough, and understanding other people requires hard work, effort and brain think.
The deportations have started. I hate to write these words. I truly hate to write these words. As I write them, I struggle to push down the hate I feel for the conscienceless. . I may be a writer, but I’m also a human being. I hate those who get joy out of hurting others, hurting them like it’s nothing, with smiles on their pompous faces
Selena Gomez. You may have heard of her. She’s a musical performer. She’s beautiful, bright, and talented. Selena Gomez broke into sobs on Instagram as she articulated the pain she felt at all the people the Trump administration is happily deporting people like little ants.
I was deeply moved as snippets of what she said showed on my TV screen. This was someone who showed warmth, kindness, and human vulnerability. Social media can be the armpit of America when it comes to human decency. It’s gross. That might be why many in Maga world were bubbling over with exuberance at this posting. With MAGA, the slightest vulnerability in anyone delights them because then they can take a dump on the person in question, showing that they indeed have no human emotions.
Some people, my dear readers, fall into the arms of love and compassion like they were born there. Some people have interests and passions like painting, drawing, reading, writing, or politics. Whatever the passion, they fall into its foamy waves with joy, as they would fall into the arms of a lover or a friend.
But other people cannot form human relationships. So THEIR hobby is looking for vulnerabilities in others. They are genetic mutations of hate, and it was Gomez that they chose to hate on. After hundreds of hateful comments, Selena Gomez eventually took down her post with the comment, saying basically: I guess it’s not OK to show empathy.
I write about this to show what poison Trump is. This does not take away from the fact that human decency is all around us. However, it’s not often — indeed it is never present in the group we call MAGA.