Even for Fox News this is embarrassing

The lonely call had arrived. The foghorn blew up its hate to all its raging passengers. Doxing. Threats. Hate-speech. All of this took place. And the wildly unstable viciousness was aimed at — teachers. Educators are the best of America. What a tough job they have, especially in today’s world.
And it isn’t made any easier by the extremists — the ones who had unleashed the doxing and the hate. They’re grooming our children, was the powerful cry of the extremists. The commanders, who expertly steered their out-of-control passengers, were Fox non-news
and many Republican politicians.
And now, the hate was all over the internet. See the following example for a bit of clue of what these haters were saying: “This stuff isn’t going to change at this point until there are body bags,” said one hater on a Republican forum I refuse to name.
This particular post resulted from a story that turned out to be fake news. The report claimed a school was engaged in giving puberty blockers to an 11-year-old without the consent of their parents.
Not true. Left-wing grooming, left-wing grooming. That was the cry. QAnon is also amplifying these distorted theories that spread like wildfire among angry Republicans. It is reported that Fox ran a stunning “50 one-hour segments” on “grooming” — in a month’s time.
Sometimes the past rises up to meet the present. Sometimes it’s challenging to differentiate today’s hysterically enraged and cultish behavior from the deadly and evil cries of the Salem Witch Hunters all these years ago. Fox is a danger to society. It is a danger to honesty. It is a danger to civility. And it is a danger to teachers. It is just a danger.