Even for a shameless loser like Donald Trump, what he just tried to do is embarrassing

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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If Donald Trump spent one tenth as much time trying to fix the coronavirus crisis as he’s spending trying to blame others for it, he might actually get somewhere. But Trump’s deranged, broken mind doesn’t work that way, and so we’re left with an excuse machine for a president.

We get why Trump is trying to falsely blame the states for the lack of emergency medical supplies. Trump is selling the national stockpile of medical supplies to foreign governments in exchange for personal favors, or whatever’s going on with that Trump-Kushner freak show, so of course he has to deflect from this by blaming the states. One day he claims they’re lying about needing the supplies, the next day he says it’s their fault for not being able to acquire the supplies. Okay, whatever. It’s deranged, but from a villain standpoint it makes logical sense.

But then in his press conference on Friday, Donald Trump decided to blame President Barack Obama of all people for not manufacturing enough coronavirus test kits. First, why would anything like that be Obama’s fault, when Trump has had full control over the national stockpile for three years now? More importantly, how could Obama have manufactured test kits for a virus that didn’t exist yet?

This would have been literally impossible. Yet this is how desperate Donald Trump is to try to blame someone, anyone, for his own worsening failures. When they eventually drag Trump off to prison, he’ll still be yelling around about how it’s all somehow Obama’s fault. How utterly embarrassing.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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