Eric Trump shits the bed

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Joe Biden has won Wisconsin, he’s about to win Michigan, and he appears to be on a path to win Pennsylvania. It’s all slipping away from Donald Trump quickly. Biden will be president-elect within days if not hours. So now Team Trump is panicking in absurd fashion.

For instance, Eric Trump just falsely tweeted “We have won Pennsylvania!” Within minutes, Twitter slapped a warning label on his tweet, pointing out that no one has actually called Pennsylvania for Trump, and no one is even close to doing so. Kayleigh McEnany tweeted “VICTORY for President @realDonaldTrump in PENNSYLVANIA!!” But those extra exclamation points didn’t help her any, because Twitter slapped a warning label on her tweet as well.

Donald Trump got absolutely nowhere last night when he stepped in front of the cameras and falsely declared victory. He and his people will get nowhere today by falsely declaring on Twitter that they’ve won Pennsylvania. All this ensures is that Trump will be humiliated on his way out the door.

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