Judge rules against Eric Trump in New York investigation into Donald Trump’s financial crimes
Since last year, the New York County District Attorney has been in the process of having a grand jury criminally indict Donald Trump on state charges for financial crimes. Weeks ago the New York Attorney General unveiled a civil case against Trump, aimed at facilitating the ongoing criminal case against him. That civil case included a subpoena of Eric Trump.
Eric Trump responded to the subpoena by asking the courts to rule that he doesn’t have to testify until after the election. But today the courts ruled that Eric Trump cannot stall any longer, and accordingly the New York Attorney General announced that Eric must do an interview under oath within the next two weeks.
Eric Trump can still appeal, but he’s unlikely to get anywhere. This sets up an interesting situation in which he’ll either have to testify by October 7th, or face contempt of court penalties for refusing to show up. If he testifies now, his testimony might stay secret until after the election, but it’ll be used to help take down his father and potentially his siblings. If Eric does go the contempt of court route, he’ll be handing the media a juicy scandalous narrative in the final weeks of the election.
In any case, this is just the latest reminder that if Donald Trump loses this election, he’s going to prison on state charges that can’t be pardoned by any president. The Trump family and the Trump Organization are in the process of being dismantled by New York State. This makes the stakes even higher in this election. Let’s get to work!
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report