House Democrat Eric Swalwell slam dunks Donald Trump

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Donald Trump has been awfully quiet and subdued โ€“ at least in public โ€“ these past few days, as so many things have gone wrong for him at home and abroad. But before Trump went quiet, he took his best shot at scaring House Democrats into leaving his criminal scandals alone, vowing to inappropriately declassify unspecified documents in retaliation. Suffice it to say that the Democrats aren’t amused with his antics.

Eric Swalwell sits on both the House Intelligence Committee and the House Judiciary Committee, which in short means that he’s a rising star in the Democratic Party. He’s also a former prosecutor, so he knows how the law works. And he’s the presumptive incoming Chair of the House Subcommittee on the CIA, meaning he knows a thing or two about the U.S. intelligence community. Swalwell is hitting back at Trump’s strange and potentially empty threats.

After Trump made his threat to begin muddying the Trump-Russia waters by declassifying things, Eric Swalwell posted this in response: “Eye. Roll. We arenโ€™t scared of you, Donald Trump. And the American people have our backs. They just sent us 40 new members to put a balance of power on your abuses of power.”

Swalwell makes a good point. The American people overwhelmingly handed control of the House to the Democratic Party, not just because the Democrats have better ideas and positions on the issues, but because they want Donald Trump to answer for his crimes. House Democrats have the will of the people on their side in this fight, and for the most part, Trump does not. Here we go.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.