Eric Swalwell comes out swinging

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Donald Trump and his allies keep obsessively talking about a far left domestic terrorist group called Antifa. The thing is, best anyone can tell, “Antifa” doesn’t exist. There are no leaders, no members, no acts carried out in its name, no anything. Yet Trump’s goons just keep rambling on about the imaginary group in hallucinatory fashion.

Meanwhile back in the real world, the domestic terrorists tend to be on the far right – as evidenced by Wednesday night’s FBI arrest of three right wingers in Las Vegas on charges of terrorist conspiracy to incite violence during the protests. Congressman Eric Swalwell was quick to call out Donald Trump’s stooge Dan Crenshaw over the arrests:



Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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