Trump White House admits Julie Swetnick gang rape accusation “could be the end of the line” for Brett Kavanaugh

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Have Donald Trump’s people not been paying attention all week? When Julie Swetnick came forward this morning to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of having participated in several gang rapes, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention. Michael Avenatti publicly revealed on Sunday that this was coming, and his track record is strong on this kind of thing. Yet Trump’s White House says it’s “shocked” by these accusations, and it’s unsure what to do next.

Here’s what Gabriel Sherman from Vanity Fair is reporting: “White House shocked by Avenatti claims. Privately aides involved in nomination saying ‘this could be end of the line’ for Kavanaugh.” It’s a reminder that the Trump regime is every bit as lazy and incompetent as it is corrupt and illegitimate. How could they not have been working around the clock since Sunday night to try to prepare for Swetnick’s inevitable reveal? In fact we’ve all known since Monday that Swetnick was likely to go public today.

Maybe we should be thankful for once that Donald Trump’s White House isn’t prepared for this. There is good reason to believe that this latest accusation will finish off the nomination. We don’t want the White House to be in position to figure out how to somehow save him from this. It’s a good thing that they’ve been caught off guard. It’s just stunning that anyone could be this consistently incompetent.

For now at least, Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh are putting on a bold public face and trying to push forward. Trump is busy tweeting garbage at Avenatti. Kavanaugh just issued a statement calling this the “Twilight Zone.” But make no mistake, this nomination is circling the drain by the minute. Trump’s White House is right when it says that this “could be the end of the line.”

Palmer Report is fighting more aggressively than ever on the editorial and activism fronts. We need to raise $5,926 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate whatever you can.