Embarrassing: Donald Trump’s attorney had to shake him awake today as jurors were filing out

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Today was one of the most consequential days of Donald Trump’s shrinking life, so you’d think he’d have found a way to stay awake. You’d be wrong. Not only did Trump nod off during court, his own attorney had to forcibly wake him up.

Trump was asleep while the alternate jurors were filing out, and attorney Todd Blanche had to shake Trump awake, according to Molly Crane-Newman of the New York Daily News. This serves to once again underscore that Trump is so far gone, he has no idea what’s even going on.

There’s no way that a cognitively functioning person sits there and sleeps through his own criminal trial, and is so thoroughly asleep on verdict day that his attorney has to wake him up at the end of it.

Now that the verdict has been pushed to tomorrow because the jurors want to have specific testimony read back to them, we’ll see if Trump can keep himself awake for the reading of the verdict. At this point it’s almost doubtful.

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