Elon Musk’s DOGE is falling apart from within

According to reporting, there is some significant strife in the White House, and it comes from the fact that many of the White House staff utterly despise Elon Musk. “The staff hates him,” one person said. Part of it is policy and part is that he’s not human. he treats White House chief of staff Susie like a f—ing secretary. But they’re petrified of him.”
Sigh. They shouldn’t be. See, I believe the fear is the whole problem. I’ve seen it before with folks who have money. For some reason, many forget that these people are no different than anyone—they just have unusually high bank accounts.
I can connect with the “not human” part. It is such a pity that Musk can’t go the way of Bill Gates, for example. Now there’s a guy who, though he may be wealthy, is known for his philanthropic ways, and people like him. People do not seem to like Musk.
Was Musk always like this? According to many people who knew him, yes, he was. Many reports, going back years say that Musk has never been a nice guy. The money has likely made him that much worse.
What folks like Musk fail to understand because they lack the ability to be self-aware, is that all the money in the world will not give them inner peace. When someone pays it forward — does good for someone else — there is no feeling like it.
It’s like a sea of sunlight melting inside you. The soul expands, and fills you with pure joy. Helping others is the way to loving life in ways that Musk likely will never know about, since I sincerely doubt Musk has done much to pay it forward in his life.
According to another source, Musk treats EVERYONE at the White House like crap except Donald Trump. It is said he treats the Trump cabinet members with condescension, like their
“messenger boys.” Musk will find out that this type of attitude will get you nowhere. Or perhaps he is finding out, as the plummeting sales of his cars show.