Elon Musk takes over Donald Trump’s cabinet meeting, bizarrely admits he “accidentally canceled” ebola prevention

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At this point everyone knows that Elon Musk has usurped the presidency from Donald Trump – except for Trump himself, who’s too far gone to know what’s going on anymore. Musk isn’t even trying to hide it. Today he showed up at Trump’s cabinet meeting and took over the thing. Not only that, he ended up making an incredibly embarrassing admission about his own gross reckless incompetence:

No mentally competent person gets up and gleefully brags about having made such a critical mistake in front of the President, the cabinet, and the television cameras. Elon Musk seems to think this is all one big hilarious joke. There’s something truly wrong with him. We’re not the only ones who see it. Even as Trump’s approval rating drops, Musk’s approval rating is even lower than Trump’s. How much longer before Trump wakes up from his slumber and ousts Musk?

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