Elon Musk takes it on the chin

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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report

The courts have now ruled that Elon Musk and his team of hackers are prohibited from accessing any additional information about the public from the Treasury Department, and are required to destroy any information they’ve obtained so far. Of course Musk will likely appeal. But this at least slows him down. It also does something else.

There is now a court order against Musk and his hackers. This means that if they keep hacking the Treasury, or if they try to keep copies of what they’ve stolen so far, that alone would be a prosecutable crime. And while we can’t count on the Trump-controlled DOJ to do anything, various state Attorneys General have already made clear that they consider what Musk is doing to be a violation of state law. After all, by stealing data from residents of all fifty states, Musk and his team have opened themselves up to potential prosecution by any one of those states.

As has become the prevailing theme over the past few weeks, we don’t know what will happen next. Musk seems to be far too mentally incompetent to understand the need to obey a court order. So maybe he’ll just keep at it, until some state Attorney General manages to get an indictment against him and has him hauled away. Or maybe Musk will get bored with destroying the government, just as he’s gotten bored with destroying Twitter, and move on. Or maybe Trump will get sick of Musk’s desire for the spotlight and fire him.

The problem is, that’s a lot of maybes. We truly don’t know what will happen next or where this is headed. But we do know that we’ve won yet another court ruling against the Trump regime. In fact we’ve won pretty much every court ruling so far. Given that Trump and Musk are trying to dismantle the government as quickly as they possibly can, the fact that we’re slowing them down in court has to be seen as a positive. As long as we keep fighting, we stand a chance of coming out of this with meaningful aspects of our democracy intact.

We're expanding our efforts against the Trump regime on the editorial and activism fronts. Help us win the fight:
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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report