Elon Musk has berserk meltdown as everyone turns against him

Why does everybody hate me? I never hurt anyone! Believe it or not, my friends, these puzzled and whiny words come from President Elon Musk, who on Twitter questioned why so many people seem to hate him.
He can’t figure it out? And they call him SMART? Before anybody had a chance to spell it out, Musk answered his own question, and he gave the wrong answer. He said he is an existential threat to the woke mind virus. What is it with Republicans calling us diseased? I demand the right of reply!
Mr. Musk allow me ,to tell you, with sweet and sugary words, (no liberal mind sickness here) , WHY it is that sales of his Tesla have fallen, why your approval rating is underwater, and WHY you are considered a joke by the American people.
Mr. Musk, you may not have hurt anybody physically, but you are responsible for the firings of thousands and thousands of people. You have continued to demonstrate your incompetence. Every single day. You are, in fact, a danger to America’s democracy with your constant tweeting and retweeting of dictators you seem to admire.
People don’t want your cars anymore because they’re embarrassed by you. I know that’s hard to believe, but it’s all too terribly true. You are not looked upon with respect. You ARE looked upon with repulsion.
Many say they cannot believe that THIS is how you choose to spend your time. Many people, too, do not agree with your politics, regarding them as racist, sexist and crazy. Many also regard YOU as crazy. I know it stings. But we can’t always use money to MAKE people like us, now can we?
So I would really get ready for a long, long fall down. I think your approval ratings will continue to fall. The reason is that you suck. The truth is if nobody likes you, except perhaps big balls, and a few other people you employ, so yes, your car sales will continue to fail, your politics will continue to fail, and YOU, Mr. Musk will continue to fail.