The real reason Elizabeth Warren is staying in the race

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg are both dropping out of the race and endorsing Joe Biden. Lots of people are speculating that Elizabeth Warren is staying in the race because she wants to be Bernie Sanders’ running mate. But this makes zero sense. If that were the case she’d have dropped out by now to clear a path for him. Instead she’s trying to take delegates away from him.

Warren will take delegates away from Bernie in Massachusetts and California, and possibly elsewhere on Tuesday. She’s helping ensure that Bernie doesn’t get 50% and that this goes to a brokered convention. She’s a strategy-based person, so she’s certainly aware that this is what she’s doing, and she’s doing it intentionally. So why do this?

Warren has a chance of emerging as the nominee in a brokered convention. But she’s smart and savvy enough to know that Biden would far more likely be the brokered nominee. She also knows Bernie would have no chance of being a brokered nominee. So what’s Warren doing? Well, she wants to be president. But she’s clearly also fine with Biden being president. Maybe she’s even angling to be Biden’s running mate. Warren is clearly NOT fine with Bernie being the nominee. Which tells you that she knows he’d lose to Trump.

If Bernie hadn’t stubbornly insisted on running again this time (after losing the primary race by millions of votes in 2016), I truly believe Warren would have had a strong shot at being the 2020 nominee. But because of Bernie’s ego, neither of them is going to be the nominee, and people are rapidly aligning behind Joe Biden. It appears Bernie’s ego has cost us yet another shot at having a woman president.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.