Either Trump is lying about this or he’s cognitively impaired

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Is Donald Trump lying, or is his cognitive decline really that bad? The angry orange felon spoke to Fox and Friends and, during the conversation, claimed he had never said the word “Lock her up” about Hillary Clinton.

Liar or senile? That is the question. “I didn’t say lock her up,” a confused (very, VERY confused) Trump murmured dishonestly. “The lie detector said: that is a lie.”

“Here he is saying it.”


Is he having a lying meltdown or having a mental health meltdown? That is the question. People seem divided on the issue.

Okay, a liar: “Man, the guy’s brain is gone.”

And: “the lies keep rolling in.” Is he psychotic?”

You remember, of course, that Trump and his ilk never seemed to tire of the: “Lock her up” chant. Now Trump’s brain has been wiped clean of memory. Either that, or he’s lying.

Trump explained that saying “lock her up” would be “terrible.” That is what makes me think that it is his mental decline talking. Because Trump’s brain HAS vanished, it stands to reason that he may not remember saying this.

It’s not like he’d lose points with his MAGA base were he to admit saying it: “he said it all the time.” I have included these remarks from Twitter. Twitter folks are skeptical that Trump would deny saying this. But it makes sense in a way.

Trump’s mental health is a screaming police siren and the ear-splitting noise is his own warped and disintegrating brain. So yes, I think he may not remember ever saying this. If that’s indeed true, his cognitive decline is even worse than previously thought.

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