Eat shit Ronna McDaniel

Ronna McDaniel is out as committee chair of the RNC. She landed the role of political analyst at NBC News, and she has changed her tune on some things. Suddenly, McDaniel has become an outspoken opponent of the January 6 insurrection, calling it “unacceptable” and told NBC News that the insurrection “doesn’t represent our country. It certainly does not represent my party.” When asked about her changing viewpoint, she said: “When you’re the RNC chair, you kind of take one for the whole team. Right now, I get to be a little bit more myself.” Was she “herself” when she joined Donald Trump on a blackmail call to two Michigan electors? Politics has become worse than Hollywood where the face shown to the public may not at all be what that face is when it’s in private. Likely, McDaniel’s “about face” has nothing to do with being true to herself and everything to do with her need to find a new job.
According to CNN, Trump became disappointed with finances at the RNC and blamed that on McDaniel. It is also alleged that from Trump’s view, McDaniel “should have done more to fight his candidacy in the 2020 election, including retaining better lawyers to push the former president’s false claims of rampant voter fraud.” Funny, he wasn’t saying that when she was on the phone with him, sticking out her neck to promise lawyers to electors to hold up their certification votes. Trump is a user. He uses up a person and spits them out, and that is exactly what he did to McDaniel. He has installed in Daniel’s place his hand-picked chair and co-chair, who is his daughter-in-law.
McDaniel claims to have known Trump wanted her out so that he could place Michael Whatley and Lara Trump. According to Daniel, another problem was that as chair, she had to be neutral and consider all the candidates, and things got a bit testy when Trump refused to debate. NBC News’ hiring of McDaniel is interesting, given her past. She was part and parcel of the “fake news” litany spewed incessantly by Donald Trump. She also refused to acknowledge President Biden’s win over Trump, and she frequently sounded like a mini-Trump, attacking the news media-including NBC News. She has accused MSNBC of “spreading lies,” yet she will now make appearances. She continued the stolen election lies when Chris Wallace interviewed her. Yes, it’s good to have different voices on news shows, especially during an election year, but it seems they could have found one who didn’t blatantly lie.
McDaniel now admits that President Biden won the election “fair and square,” though she continued to claim concerns over “issues” with the vote. According to CNN she said: “I believe that both can be true.” How? If Biden won “fair and square,” then what were those “issues?” McDaniel isn’t, per se, a politician, but she can certainly lie with the best of them. Though she is now publicly and obviously trying to distance herself from Trump, she was in step with him before. Why should we believe anything she says now?

Shirley is a former entertainment writer and has worked in the legal field for over 25 years