E. Jean Carroll may be about to go after Donald Trump again

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After a jury awarded E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million of Donald Trump’s money for the lies he told about having sexually assaulted her, you’d think Trump would have had enough sense to simply shut up about her. But Trump’s brain is fully broken, so shortly after the verdict, Trump resumed lying about her. Then he stopped for awhile, presumably distracted by his criminal trial troubles.

Trump, clearly frazzled by the week he’s about to face, is now spending Memorial Day attacking just about everyone. After Trump posted a “Happy Memorial Day” message that accused his adversaries of being “Human Scum,” he quickly pivoted to making all kinds of accusations against E. Jean Carroll. Trump’s lies aren’t worthy of reposting here, but suffice it to say that he’s going into all kinds of details about the evidence and such.

Because the verdict already came down and the trial is over, there’s no automatic recourse for this. The previous trial doesn’t suddenly come alive again. Nor does the gag order in that trial apply, because gag orders expire at the end of trials. However, Trump is clearly committing a new round of defamation against Carroll, which means she can bring a new case against him – and it sounds like she just might.

E. Jean Carroll’s attorney Roberta Kaplan announced to the media today that “all options are on the table” when it comes to bringing a new civil case against Trump. No one would blame Carroll if she ultimately decides that she’s spent enough years of her life defeating Trump in court. But if she and her legal team do bring another case against Trump, suffice it to say that the damages could be far larger this time than last time.

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