Donald Trump’s reported choice for new White House Chief of Staff is even dumber than we were expecting

Donald Trump has spent months letting it be known via media leaks that he’d like to fire White House Chief of Staff John Kelly. Even as he’s fired other people like Rex Tillerson and H.R. McMaster, Kelly still has a job – for the moment. But Kelly’s impending demise seems like such a foregone conclusion among Trump’s people, they’re talking openly about his replacement. The reported choice for the gig?
Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has been linked to the Chief of Staff job in the media, a bizarre notion, considering that Trump fired him in the middle of the campaign. But now Lewandowski is on Meet The Press talking about how Trump might fire Kelly and replace him with no one, effectively becoming his own Chief of Staff (link). Lewandowski didn’t say it, but we all know why Trump is considering this kind of arrangement.
Trump is descending into a new level of madness, as evidenced by his increasingly unhinged tweets and his sudden frantic firing of everyone he can get away with firing. The last thing he wants is an adult in the room trying to convince him to act like an adult. Not only does Trump no longer want a Chief of Staff, no serious or competent person would take the job at this point. So now we have Trump preparing to become his own Chief of Staff.
This comes on the same day that Donald Trump posted a tweet insisting he doesn’t need to hire a new head lawyer to replace the recently departed John Dowd. Although Trump still has some other attorneys assisting him in the Trump-Russia scandal, this move means that Trump is now his own head lawyer by default. So it perhaps shouldn’t be surprising that he’s also preparing to become his own Chief of Staff.