Donald Trump’s dumbass day

Today was one of those days where Donald Trump was, ostensibly, supposed to act like a well adjusted and non-deranged person. After all, this election is a de facto referendum on whether voters think Trump is suitable to remain president, or whether he’s deranged enough to be ousted. At some points during his various rallies today, Trump even did something rare by sorta kinda trying to stay on message. But when all was said and done, Trump just couldn’t cut it.
Donald Trump spent the day pretending that his approval rating among black people is at an absurd forty percent, when in reality it’s closer to three percent. How many votes does Trump gain with this kind of nonsense? Precisely zero. Not one person, black or white, is going to vote for Trump’s Republican Party on Tuesday simply because he falsely claimed that black people love him.
This is, instead, all about Trump delusionally blowing smoke up his own butt, making things up in the hope of convincing himself that everything is going to magically be okay. This isn’t a winning strategy. Nor was Trump’s strange move of simply retweeting nearly two dozen of his older tweets, while not bothering to say much of anything new.
Perhaps his GOP handlers stole his phone today? That’s unclear. But this was an all around dumbass day for Donald Trump, at a time when he needed to do something strategically smart for once.