Donald Trump goes completely berserk after Drudge Report reports on his alleged stroke
After the New York Times reported that Donald Trump’s Walter Reed visit was due to a dire but still-undisclosed health issue, Trump made things worse by insisting that he hadn’t had a “series of mini-strokes.” The thing is, no one was even reporting that he’d had some kind of stroke.
Trump’s tweet was a major gaffe, and in response, even the far-right Drudge Report ended up making a big headline out of it. Drudge went so far as to include a photo of Trump appearing to lose his balance while trying to get on stage during a recent public appearance.
Now Trump is making things even worse by attacking Drudge over it: “Drudge didn’t support me in 2016, and I hear he doesn’t support me now. Maybe that’s why he is doing poorly. His Fake News report on Mini-Strokes is incorrect. Possibly thinking about himself, or the other party’s ‘candidate.'”
That’s right, Donald Trump is now claiming that Drudge is the one who had a stroke. Trump is making a huge mess of this. The longer he spends talking about the stroke story, the longer it’s going to remain in the headlines, and the more voters in the middle are going to hear about it. Trump just keeps digging himself a bigger hole.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report