“Dripping in sweat”

“Dude is dripping in sweat.” Many people have been speaking these words on social media since Donald Trump was seen complaining about the temperature and labeling the courtroom an icebox. There was only one problem. Donald Trump was sweating.
People — lots of them — quickly zeroed in on Trump’s complaint about the coldness of the courtroom, correctly noting that the man seemed to be perspiring badly. “The dude looks like he has heat rash.”
All over Twitter, people, seemingly puzzled by a perspiring traitor, wondered if Donald Trump was well. He’s not.
“Sweat dripping of him.”
“How could he be cold? He looks like a sweaty, stinking mess.”
It is even odder that Donald Trump keeps complaining about how cold the courtroom is when he seems to be showing signs of being very hot.
In recent days, Trump hasn’t stopped ranting and raving about “the icebox,” as he calls it. However, several people also noted that temperatures inside the courtroom were in the seventies, and nobody else seemed to be complaining about a deep freeze.
So, is Donald Trump lying? That would not be so surprising because if he’s awake, Donald Trump lies. On the other hand, he may be cold, which could indicate his health is affected. That’s what many on social media seem to think.
“Bad sign. His health is getting worse.”
It is uncommon to sweat to the point where one looks like a “human Volcano”, a title that a creative Twitter user had lovingly bestowed upon him.
“Human volcano.”
We KNOW the temperature in Donald Trump’s mind is 100 degrees of heated insanity. But in terms of his physical health? What could be causing the deep freeze the orange traitor seems to feel? Perhaps it is a sign his physical condition is getting worse.