Dr. Sean Conley appears to give away that Donald Trump has been on oxygen, tested positive earlier than known

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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When Donald Trump’s Doctor Sean Conley released a statement late last night insisting that Trump was not currently on supplemental oxygen, Palmer Report flagged it as an oddly specific denial. After all, no one was asking about oxygen, or presuming that Trump was on oxygen.

During his press conference today, Dr. Conley once again stressed that Trump is not currently on oxygen, and hasn’t been on oxygen in the past two days. When a reporter followed up on it, Conley also confirmed that Trump wasn’t on oxygen on Thursday – but he seemed to be counting the days in his head to try to figure out which days he could confirm Trump wasn’t on oxygen for.

When reporters followed up again about whether Trump has been on oxygen at any point, Dr. Conley refused to says “yes” or “no.” This all but confirms that Trump was on oxygen at some point – most likely Wednesday. Trump’s doctor also slipped up and stated that he’s now 72 hours into his coronavirus diagnosis, which would mean that he tested positive during the middle of the day on Wednesday. This stands in stark contrast with Trump’s claim that he tested positive late on Thursday night.

If Donald Trump was diagnosed with coronavirus mid-day Wednesday, it means he knew he had coronavirus – and was apparently bad off enough that he was on oxygen at one point – yet he still traveled to Bedminster on Thursday and met face to face with about a hundred donors. One way or the other, it’s abundantly clear that an attempted coverup is underway here, and that the coverup is not going particularly well.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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