Down they go…

Seditious conspiracy.
Well — Stewart Rhodes was found guilty.
Guilty of Seditious conspiracy.
I like the way those words sound. Congratulations to the Justice Department. This verdict is a vindication.
For MONTHS after the January 6 terrorist attack, we had to listen to all of the fake news and fake pundits saying stuff like this:
“Is it REALLY sedition?”
“This was not sedition.”
Well — I have a message for those pundits. That message is f### you.
It infuriated many to hear the dismissive tone these people used. It was so disparaging to everyone at the Capitol that day, particularly the brave Capitol police officers.
But now it is in the history books.
Seditious conspiracy. An incredibly difficult charge to prove. And yet they (The Justice Department) proved it.
Rhodes will be going away for a long time.
Co-defendant Kelly Meggs was also found guilty of the same charge.
Two little seditionists — on their way to prison.
And ALL five defendants were found guilty of obstruction. ALL five are looking at prison time.
This news is welcome and shows the strength of the cases against them. It also shows the competency of our Justice Department. It is the best news.
And while there will still be doubters (Maga will never believe anything the DOJ does), this is a pure vindication, and there is no other way of looking at it.
So thank you, Merrick Garland. Thank you to the brave attorneys who prosecuted the case.
Thank you to the jurors who found the truth and said so. And thank you again to the Capitol police who fought that day with their very souls. You will never be forgotten.