Down goes Steve Bannon

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Good news, my friends. This news has to do with Steve Bannon. Steve Bannon was always a guy whom I felt would be better cast in a remake of one of those old horror films like Nightmare on Elm Street than being called a political pundit.

Bannon, who looks as angry as a red-faced elf these days, is likely heading to prison as a federal appeals court upheld his sentence. That’s the criminal contempt sentence. As you know, Bannon had appealed his conviction, a process that allowed him to remain free pending the outcome of the appeal. This meant he was out on the streets, heaven help them, while awaiting the verdict.

The verdict is go directly to jail. It was a three-judge panel, a common feature of the US federal appeals court system, that made this ruling. This means Bannon will indeed have to serve out his four-month sentence.

He can ask the WHOLE court to hear his appeal. They do not have to and I doubt that they would. Undoubtedly, this turn of events won’t bring him joy. Bannon, is a man known for his strong rhetoric, HOWEVER — however, friends and readers, he is also the type that needs a bully pulpit to do it. Now he might find himself at a loss without his platform. One can’t help but wonder if, in the confines of prison, he’ll feel as vulnerable as a cornered animal. We can hope.

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