Don’t let the door hit you…

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At least one piece of good news came out of the recent primaries: Madison Cawthorn is gone. He is such a mess on so many levels, and it is good to have one less person in Congress who did nothing but cause trouble. Cawthorn is undoubtedly in disbelief. He seemed so sure that he would make it back to Congress despite all his personal problems. That’s what you call erroneously confident. Even an idiot like Cawthorn should know better. Huffington post listed Cawthorn’s recent run-ins.

Cawthorn had been stopped twice trying to bring a gun onto a plane. As if that wasn’t enough, he decided to start telling tall tales, including that Nancy Pelosi-who does not drink-is an alcoholic and that some of his colleagues use cocaine and participate in orgies. Cawthorn is only 26 years old, but he sounds more like a 16-year-old girl who loves to gossip. On top of that, his mental stability had been called into question by others, which is a big “duh.” He is obviously mentally instable, and he has been nothing but trouble since the day he was elected. Good riddance. Huff Post reported that Republican leaders in North Carolina had been working furiously to get him out of office, with Thom Tillis backing the primary winner, Chuck Edwards. In fact, all leaders in North Carolina backed Edwards. It was as if they would do any and everything to rid themselves of Cawthorn. Why they can’t do that with Donald Trump is a mystery. He’s as bad as Cawthorn if not worse. In fact, Huff Post also reported on one who could no longer take Trump and left the GOP as a result.

Miles Taylor was an official with Homeland Security when Trump was in office. He is the self-proclaimed “anonymous” op-ed writer who said several in Trump’s administration were working against him. They must have been the sane ones. The rest followed him around like lost puppies looking for a meal, but Miles wanted no part of Trump’s nonsense. He recently wrote another editorial, this time for NBC News, which quoted him: “In the wake of the mass shooting in Buffalo on Saturday, it’s become glaringly obvious that my party no longer represents conservative values but in fact poses a threat to them-and to America.” Those are strong words, but they are also true. Republicans have lost complete touch with reality and are so desperate for votes that they embrace white supremacists. We don’t need white supremacist sympathizers in Congress, and we certainly didn’t need Madison Cawthorn. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

While Cawthorn tried everything he could to remain in office, it was all to no avail. He mentioned switching districts-which likely would have done him as much good as the race he lost. Cawthorn, like many other Republicans seek office for power. They do not have their constituents’ best interests at heart. Indeed, they have no interest in serving at all. They just want the titles, the money, and the power. Oh, well. What’s next for Cawthorn? Who cares? Celebrate his demise.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.