Donald Trump’s worst day in court yet

Donald Trump had a horrific few days in court when former National Enquirer boss David Pecker was on the stand, as Pecker spelled out how he and Trump criminally conspired to alter the outcome of the 2016 election. But I would argue that yesterday went even worse for Trump.
After Trump leaked to the media that he was displeased with his legal team for not being “aggressive” enough, his team came out swinging yesterday – stupidly. Trump’s lawyers spent their cross examination of former Daniels-McDougal attorney Keith Davidson going down a rabbit hole that involved everyone from Hulk Hogan to Charlie Sheen.
If the goal was to portray Davidson as a bad guy, then what was the point? These witnesses are all bad guys. This trial is focused on a criminal conspiracy so ugly that the only participants with any respectability are the adult film actress and the playmate model. The jury isn’t going to acquit Trump just because it thinks Davidson is shady, or Michael Cohen has a criminal past, or David Pecker is a slime ball. The whole point is that this is who Trump saddled up with in order to try to rig the 2016 election.
More to the point, by going so far down such an irrelevant rabbit hole, Trump’s legal team has likely lost the jury already. If you’re a juror hearing a criminal case against Trump, and the defense starts going on a lengthy bender about random public figures who have nothing to do with the case, you’re going to conclude that Trump has no defense. You’re going to decide that everything else coming from the defense is going to be irrelevant crap. It’s just going to be white noise, in one ear and out the other.
While Keith Davidson’s testimony was not particularly damning for Donald Trump yesterday, Trump’s idiotic cross examination of Davidson may have done more to help get Trump convicted than anything else we’ve seen in this trial to date.
With witnesses such as Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels, Hope Hicks, and Karen McDougal coming up, we can expect Trump to have even worse days than the one he had yesterday. But I do believe that yesterday was Trump’s worst day on trial yet.