Donald Trump’s worsening senility just took another ugly turn

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Wow! All these years, I was SO CERTAIN that former President Barack Obama had served TWO terms. Apparently, I was wrong. I found out this news –( that I had just been imagining this second term), last week when a particular person announced he’d beaten Obama in the 2020 election.

Wait — what? Obama didn’t run in 2020. What the heck is going on? Have I lost my marbles? I thought Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Did that not happen? Of course, it happened. The person who REALLY seems to be imagining things is Donald Trump, who claims he ran against Obama and beat him in 2020.

Earth to rubber room — there is a potential new patient for you, and you’d better swoop in fast before he makes another crazy statement. Alas — it appears the rubber room is too late!

“Ignorance is the parent of fear.” These words come from the classic novel “Moby Dick.” Many use Moby Dick as a metaphor for “a problem that haunts a person.” And make no mistake; something is haunting Donald Trump. That something is senility. Windmills are “driving whales a little batty.”

This quote comes from South Carolina, where Trump on Monday made a rambling diatribe about whales — about batty whales, driven batty because of windmills, proving that just when one thought it was safe to go back in the water, yet another insane Trump statement comes bobbing to the surface.

“The windmills are driving them crazy!” Well, I’d rather be a batty whale than a batty quadruple indictee whose senility is spilling onto the pavement faster than the speed of light.

Jeb! Wait WHAT? Jeb Bush was the President? When did this happen? How did I sleep through this? I can’t believe it! We had a president Jeb! and I slept through it!

No, I didn’t. That news — president Jeb! came from Donald John Trump, who seems to be unaware of who he ran against and which Bush was actually the president. At least that is what he said in — where else — South Carolina.

What next? Will Trump claim he REALLY ran in the year 2000 and that Samuel Alito saved the Presidency for him after hanging chads were discovered in Russia, forcing him to take his case to the Supreme Court where Amy Coney Barrett and Samuel Alito were the deciding votes?

It’s easy to see that Trump’s brain, already spongier than mushy peas, is progressively worsening. There will be plenty more where that came from.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer