Donald Trump’s world of darkness

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There is a growing concern among many that Donald John Trump is becoming increasingly detached from reality. He seems to be living in a kind of black box, a dark and sinister place where the grasp of reality is slipping away. Washington Post columnist Ashley Parker called this world of make-believe “absurd and disturbing.”

Parker says that Trump’s world is a place of dystopian corridors where criminals stare sightlessly ahead of them (my words). It also seems a place where people are miserable:

– Miserable trapped in their homes.
– Tiny fish in a huge pond of skulking criminal minds.
– Maniacal strangers looming where doom could come at any second of any minute.

In other words — it’s darkness. Donald Trump is lost in darkness. “He’s not the same.” The criticism of Trump is not just a whisper anymore; it’s a loud and intense aria that many hear, but Trump seems oblivious to. He appears to be engulfed in a world devoid of joy, constantly threatened by evil forces and convinced that he is the only savior.

It’s Donald Trump’s last hope — it’s his last aria, the cradle that the little Donald holds onto as he tries with everything in him to convince others that this world of madness and mania does exist. Only it doesn’t, and that is why so many are turning away from him. His slippage in the polls is palpable now, and this wild, insane world of Don’s imagination does not exist anywhere but in his mind. Such a distorted mind, an insane mind with a fever dream of everyone looking to him to save them — only it is he that needs saving — and nobody is coming anytime soon.

Personal note from Bill Palmer – we're going to win this election! Help support Palmer Report at this crucial time:
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