Donald Trump’s violent verbiage

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With his “Truth” Social post proclaiming “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT,” Trump just crossed another line. His message, written with the desperation of a man who knows he’s losing, is redolent with easily discernible meaning. Trump hates Taylor Swift, therefore his drooling MAGA base is commanded to hate her too.

It’s less direct than Henry II’s invocation, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” But the message is the same. Trump just put Taylor Swift’s life in danger. And he knows it.

Now, with another bungled attempt on Trump’s life, this time coming apparently from a misguided Democrat, the air is once more thick with potential violence. By summoning Swift’s name Trump summons another stochastic message. Trump knows this, and it’s his warning to any celebrity contemplating endorsing Kamala Harris. He will release his minions on them if they do.

The very idea that a candidate for the presidency would say such a thing, would single out an American citizen and proclaim hatred for her for the mere exercise of her constitutional right to endorse a candidate, ought to be a career-ending mistake. In saner times it would be. But these are hardly sane times. In these times there are no consequences for such an anti-American proclamation. The mainstream media won’t even yawn.

Of course, Taylor Swift is everything Trump wants to be, but is not, and he’s jealous. She’s an actual billionaire. She made her money without lying, cheating or stealing from people. She destroyed no family businesses. She is beloved by millions for all the right reasons. She is also a decent and kind human being who does good things for charities. Trump is a phoney billionaire, a convicted criminal, a rapist, a racist and a despicable human being who steals from children’s cancer charities. Trump has been debarred by the state of New York from forming a charity.

Though there will be no consequences equal to the misdeed, Trump’s declaration of his hatred of Taylor Swift was nevertheless a misstep. Trump certainly won’t gain votes for it, and it could cost him a few votes among the undecided.

But it further defines Trump and further lowers the tone of his campaign. It makes the Harris/Walz campaign of inclusion, promising to represent all Americans — Republicans or Democrats — all the more appealing. Trump never seems to get tired of proving what an evil idiot he is. This latest declaration of hatred for Taylor Swift is a case in point. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

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