Donald Trump’s unhinged obsession with getting eaten by a shark just took another turn

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Donald Trump has become obsessed of late with the conundrum of whether he’d rather get electrocuted or eaten by a shark. He keeps trying to tell a hypothetical story about a sinking boat with an electric motor, and sharks are involved, but the story never does make sense. The whole thing is so disturbing that the media has begun citing Trump’s sharks-batteries obsession as evidence of his cognitive decline.

The thing is, Trump appears to be more obsessed with getting eaten by a shark than we knew. During a failed attempt at a speech in the midwest today, Trump suggested that it’s a good thing that they’re inland because it means that sharks can’t eat them:

Ever since this guy was criminally convicted, he’s become obsessed with ways to die. All he talks about is getting electrocuted by a battery, or getting eaten by a shark. It’s both senile and clinically insane. Trump is falling apart by the minute.

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