Donald Trump’s Truth Social is a week from potential financial collapse, and that can only mean one thing

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Donald Trump’s Truth Social is reportedly less than a week away from a major corporate deadline that could trigger the site’s financial collapse. This is one of those things where it’s easy to predict that the deadline will likely be missed, but tricky to predict the precise fallout from missing it. The site could fold up and shut down immediately, or it could limp along while it gets gutted financially. We’ll see.

Here’s the interesting part to me. Donald Trump’s online meltdowns are reaching a peak right now in terms of exposing his mental incompetence. Ever since his most recent arrest, mugshot, and early 2024 federal criminal trial date, he’s been posting up to a hundred times a day and sounding like he’s completely senile.

Trump would surely love nothing more than to be back on Twitter, where his ramblings would have a much more direct and broad impact. But his handlers have found some way to convince him not to tweet. They clearly don’t want him back on Twitter, presumably because if everyone sees how far gone he is, the whole “2024” charade will collapse more quickly.

But if Truth Social dies, Trump’s babysitters may not have a choice. They’re going to have to let him rant incoherently somewhere, and that would probably have to be Twitter. I’m almost tempted to say that at this point we’d all be better off if Trump did return to Twitter.

The only reason Trump is still the Republican “frontrunner” is that the mainstream media (on both sides) keeps insisting he’ll be the nominee no matter what. That’s prompting Republican primary voters outside his base to keep picking him in polls, because they’re being told he’s their party’s frontrunner.

Even with the entire mainstream media serving as Trump’s full time publicist by insisting he’ll be the nominee no matter what, Trump is still only polling at around 50% among Republican primary voters. If the media stops insisting that he’s inevitable, his numbers will drop.

If Trump comes back to Twitter and everyone sees he’s now a senile imitation of his former self, and people (outside his base) start saying “wait a minute this guy is going to prison and he’s senile, why is he even being discussed in political terms?”

And if that forces the media to save face and stop hyping the “Trump is inevitable” thing, that will cause Trump to fall below 50% in Republican primary polling – opening the door for someone else to gain momentum and take the lead.

Or maybe we’d rather the Republicans nominate a senile and bound for prison Donald Trump. They’re going to nominate someone, and that someone is going to be awful no matter who it is.

But the point is that if Truth Social collapses and Trump comes back to Twitter, it can’t possibly help Trump in any way, it can only hurt him. It’ll only help the general public see that he’s mentally incompetent, which will help make him even more non-viable. So if Truth Social does collapse and Trump does come back to Twitter, that’s fine with me. I’d rather not have to deal with his abhorrent tweets. But tweeting would likely finish him off more quickly.

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