Donald Trump’s timing couldn’t be worse

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While the former guy finally announced his presidential bid – he picked probably the most inopportune moment to do it – after his party received a stunning rebuke from voters and the leadership in the House he endorsed is uncertain. It’s also when Republicans are desperately trying to win a race in Georgia and don’t want to see his obvious influence being exerted over the party. Some are trying to make the case that the GOP did win the House and they did have a few landslides – in the districts that were drawn for them to do so – on Nov 8, so all is good with Donald Trump and all of the insane beliefs he wears on his sleeve.

The trouble is, after their embarrassing losses in Arizona after the votes were tallied last week, the GOP – and the MAGAsphere specifically – got another stinging rebuke on Wednesday in the reliably red state of Alaska. The former guy won there in 2020 – by ten points – the lowest performance for a Republican there since 1992.

This year, he tried to primary Sen. Lisa Murkowski who overwhelmingly won re-election by 53.2% once all the votes were counted. Who fared even worse was his surrogate Sarah Palin, as her opponent Rep. Mary Peltola went on to win re-election with even more votes than Murkowski who endorsed her – and claimed victory by a 10-point margin. It’s fine if Republicans want to deny it, but it’s getting harder and harder to deny that the MAGA brand and everything that it stands for is overwhelmingly toxic to voters.

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