Donald Trump’s stolen nuclear secrets scandal just got even uglier

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With all the ugly headlines about Judge Aileen Cannon, it’s easy to forget that once Special Counsel Jack Smith is finally able to get her removed from the case, Donald Trump will be on criminal trial for stealing classified documents. In the meantime Trump keeps making filings aimed at blowing off steam, and it keeps giving Smith an opportunity to put even more of the damning evidence against Trump out there in advance.

For instance, Jack Smith just made a filing which reveals that Trump literally had classified nuclear secrets stashed next to a case of Diet Coke. It sounds too on the nose to be real, but it is indeed real. It reveals that not only did Trump steal some of our nation’s most valued secrets, he didn’t even know how to keep them hidden correctly. This is up there with robbing the Louvre and leaving the paintings on your front lawn.

This case will get to trial, whether it’s before or after Trump loses the election. And when that happens, he will go down hard for this. He stole nuclear secrets and left them next to his Diet Coke. It tells you all you need to know.

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