Donald Trump’s senility has finally blown up in his face

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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At last! Other media organizations have woken up and decided to follow in Palmer Report’s footsteps. They are now all systems go on Trump’s mental decline. And now the media is all filled with stories of Trump’s many verbal gaffes — and what it means for the toxic orange monster.

“Trump’s favorite Biden taunt has backfired.” Alas! This was the headline from Vanity Fair, who gleefully explains that no longer can Trump pretend Joe Biden is senile — because, as everybody is learning, it’s more like the other way around: “The GOP’s front-runner’s recent blunders in public speech have undercut his most effective attack on the President: that he’s too old.”

Biden, as you know, is not senile, is not too old, and just came back from a trip to Israel — while they’re at war. Trump, on the other hand, is making blunder after blunder. His blunders are ants; they’re crawling all over the place, waiting to be swatted away so that a new one can enter.

It would take me ten pages to list all of Trump’s blinders here. But Vanity Fair is right. Trump — anytime now that he brings up Biden’s mental health will become the center of senile attention as he seems unable to go one day without making yet another blunder.

When Trump was in Iowa this past Sunday, he appeared to think he was in South Dakota. An actual Republican had to come out on stage and whisper to him where he actually is. That was seen and observed by many people.

The Biden campaign is doing a “John Fetterman” by hilariously trolling the orange nitwit on social media and highlighting his verbal gaffes. So good for the media. Let’s see if they can keep it up. Their burning need for lies and drama might hinder them along the way, but at last, people know the truth — that Trump is a fool who can’t string one sentence together without making a mistake.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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