Donald Trump’s revenge

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can

Happy Labor Day, everyone! I hope yours was a good one. I know somebody who did not have a good holiday. It is, of course Donald Trump. Donald Trump had another meltdown on truth social and he began to fantasize what will happen when he is elected and it’s and I quote: “our turn.”

I imagine Donald Trump wants revenge. He doesn’t want revenge for the J6 prisoners. In reality, I don’t believe he gives a crap about them. He wants revenge for the fact that he no longer can make his own decisions. He is a subject of the court.

The court is giving him every leeway they possibly can. I don’t blame them. Throwing a former president, even an evil and incompetent one, in prison has never been done before. And they want to get it right.

But for Donald Trump, a malignant narcissist, all that he can see in his head, all that sparkles there is revenge. He still doesn’t get it. He still doesn’t get that he’s on his way to hell, and right now he’s made a brief stop in purgatory.

Donald Trump won’t be reelected. No way. There will be no revenge coming to smile with him, no chance to punish good people, simply for the sin of standing up for Lady Justice.

So let’s allow Trump to wander around his own brain, humming his psychotic songs of revenge. They don’t mean anything. Well, that’s not true. They do. What they mean is that Donald Trump has already seen his life ruined. He can’t smile on a holiday or a normal day because he is not normal. All that keeps him going are thoughts of revenge. Thoughts of things that will never see the light of day, that are locked up in the attic permanently, doomed to grow gray and dusty with decay.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can