Donald Trump’s revenge tour crashes and burns

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The goal of running for President, or any office really, is supposed to be to win. If you’re in the unique position of being on track for prison if you lose, then your goal should really be to try to win. But Donald Trump, through black hearted bitterness or senility or both, is using his 2024 campaign as a revenge tour instead of an attempt at winning. It’s costing him.

For instance, when Trump was campaigning in Georgia a few days ago, his goal was supposed to be to try to win as many votes in the state as possible. Given that Trump is running as a Republican, and that Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp is more popular in the state than Trump is, Trump should be trying to align himself with Kemp.

Instead Trump spent his rally attacking Kemp, and attacking Kemp’s wife. Why? Kemp and his wife aren’t fans of Trump. So how is Trump’s strategy working for him? Republican operative Erick Erickson tweeted this: “If you want to understand the problem Trump created for himself in Georgia, today on the radio, 9 out of 10 callers are women, and they’re all mad at him for attacking Brian Kemp’s wife.”

So there you have it. Donald Trump just keeps finding ways to cost himself votes in 2024. He’s more interested in getting pointless petty verbal revenge on the Republicans who failed to help him cheat in 2020 than he is in trying to win in 2024. So be it.

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