Donald Trump’s poll numbers crater

In a poll that was conducted between March 7 March 11, it was found that Donald Trump’s approval rating had entered “uncharted territory.” In an NBC poll, 54 percent of respondents said they disapproved of Donald Trump’s handling of the economy.
It isn’t shocking, really. All one has to do is look around — at the plummeting stock market, government agency closures, and thousands getting pink slips –. and It is evident that Donald Trump, the “best president ever,” is, in fact, the worst president ever, as he has somehow managed to tank the economy in less than four months.
Trump is now in hostile waters, with all signs pointing to his disapproval rating GROWING, not lessening. The poll surveyed 1,000 people and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. It’s starting to happen every week.
Every week — sometimes more — another poll is coming out showing that Trump is underwater with the voters. Every week, the head of the shark surfaces in the form of another menacing poll for Assolini. Every week, Donald Trump’s approval ratings sink further to the bottom of the waters.
There is nothing particularly surprising about this poll. It’s been this way since the beginning of Presidencies. When elected officials choose to serve themselves only, and NOT their voters, their approval ratings tend to tick down. Trump is hardly unique in that regard.
But you see, he thinks he’s unique. There is one thing that Donald Trump is good at, even excels at, and is much better at than you, me, or any of us. That thing is — denial. I imagine Trump is soothing himself by thinking this is a fake poll. Denial, deep, deep, murky denial. That really is the only option available to him at this point.