Donald Trump’s pal is under federal criminal investigation for alleged sex trafficking

ALERT: we need to raise $5606 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.

Being friends with a bad person doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re guilty of whatever they turn out to be guilty of. For instance, a number of public figures who used to be social friends or acquaintances with Donald Trump are now quite apologetic about it, and disturbed at what a monster he turned out to be.

That said, Donald Trump and former WWE boss Vince McMahon aren’t mere social acquaintances. Vince McMahon’s wife Linda McMahon was in Trump’s cabinet. Trump named Vince McMahon to a Presidential task force. Now it turns out Vince McMahon is reportedly under federal criminal investigation in the wake of sex trafficking allegations against him. It’s reached a point where the Feds have seized McMahon’s phone from him.

But does it really surprise anyone that Donald Trump would be friends with such an (allegedly) awful person? After all, Trump has been branded a rapist by a trial jury, and he’s awaiting four criminal trials on charges including the Espionage Act. Of course Trump and Vince McMahon are good buddies.

ALERT: we need to raise $5606 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.